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Beep Boop, welcome to the Plus Linux project!

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Plus Linux is based on Kernel 5.15.127 (LTS) at a small size.
It also uses Busybox instead of GNU.
I may create my own coreutils in C later 
to make it even smaller and with less bloat.

//What it offers:

~1.~ Main:
=> Plus Linux is based on Kernel 5.15.127.
=> It uses Busybox as the system utilities.
=> It is completely GNU and Systemd free.

~2.~ Goals:
=> To fit on a single floppy drive (1.44Mb).
=> To have less bloat than other distros like Ubuntu.
=> To aim for stability.


=> Plus Linux is so bare bones that you cannot move files with mv. 
To save space, you can use cp and rm for this purpose.
=> It can run on various machines, even older ones. 
Try running it on your 23-year-old IBM NetVista from the year 2000 ;)
=> Dark mode is enabled by default!
=> Manage your computer when you've messed something up. 
Mount and unmount drivers or delete your friend's nice images they downloaded from 4chan!
=> Expandable! Get a second floppy and add something small like suckless software,
which is only a few kilobytes in size! With that, you have a full Linux system 
on two floppy disks supporting graphics and web browsing!

//A screenshot of Plus Linux


//How to run it in a VM

You can run it using QEMU:
$ qemu-system-i386 -fda plus.img


2023-2024 -/- Plastic Bottleneck