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Plus Linux is based on Kernel 5.15.127 (LTS) at a small size.
It also uses Busybox instead of GNU.
In the future, I may create custom coreutils in C to reduce bloat even further.

What it offers

Plus Linux is based on Kernel 5.15.127 and uses Busybox as the system utilities.
It is completely GNU and Systemd free.

- To fit on a single floppy disk (1.44Mb).
- To have less bloat than other distros like Ubuntu.
- To aim for stability.


Plus Linux is so bare bones that you cannot move files with mv.
To save space, use cp and rm instead!
It can run on older machines like a 23-year-old IBM NetVista from 2000.
Dark mode is enabled by default.
Manage your computer when something goes wrong, mount/unmount drives,
or delete "interesting" files from your friends computer. ;)
Expandable! Add suckless software for full graphics and web browsing on two floppies!


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